Netwrked is now available for firms!  Interested in learning more?  Please find FAQ below.

What is Netwrked?

Netwrked is a tech-enabled recruiting tool to assist law firms in lateral hiring.

How can my firm use Netwrked?

If your firm partners with Netwrked, you can use one (or more) of the three methods set forth below. Netwrked can be used in whichever manner is best suited for the needs of your firm.

Referral Recruiting: In our Referral Recruiting method, Employees at your firm will download the Netwrked App, post jobs and screen and refer Candidates internally to your HR / recruiting department in accordance with your firm’s referral hiring policy.  To help with organizational tracking, Netwrked will deliver the complete list of job postings your Employees have created, the full list of Candidates that have been matched with your firms’ Employees and the status of each match in a weekly report.

Direct Recruiting: In our Direct Recruiting method, your firm’s internal recruiters will download the Netwrked App and post jobs. When your internal recruiters receive a match, they can review the Candidate’s resume and decide whether to engage via text message or video to conduct a screener interview in accordance with your firm’s hiring practices.  In doing so, recruiting is handled directly by your in-house recruiters rather than your firm’s existing associates.

Netwrked Scouts: Netwrked Scouts is a program run by Netwrked employees who partner with your firm’s internal recruiters.  In this method, Netwrked Scouts will engage in the Netwrked App with Candidates to find those that are a good fit for your firm’s open positions.  Once a Netwrked Scout has identified a potential Candidate, the Netwrked Scout will pass along that Candidate’s resume, and summary, to the appropriate recruiting contact at your firm.

In all cases, Netwrked will deliver a regular summary of all Candidates accessed through the platform and their status (Matched, Engaged, Referred, or Dismissed) to assist with Candidate tracking.

Where does Netwrked access it’s Candidates?

Netwrked advertises where today’s Candidates, spend their time: on social media.  Candidates download the app and create their profile, all communication then flows through the app!

How much does Netwrked cost?

Netwrked is pleased to offer firm specific pricing in a model that best fits you depending on which recruiting method you select.  We’ve supported several requests to bill upon hire as a traditional search firm as well as requests to integrate within a firm’s existing referral bonus policy. We look forward to assembling the best model for you!

Why use Netwrked?

By using Netwrked, firms will be able to:

·       Source qualified Candidates at scale;

·       Save on external recruitment costs; and

·       Increase Employees' ability to earn referral bonuses.

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